Feature Flag Demo

What it is?

A prototype for showing how we can handle feature change based on feature flag.

Tech stack

  • Nuxt for frontend, served by Nginx
  • FastAPI for backend
  • Postgres for database
  • Flagr for feature flag
  • Docker compose for orchestration


Nuxt --(auth)--> FastAPI
                    # success, check with user id
                    |------------> Flagr
                    # receive feature list with enable flag
Nuxt <---------- FastAPI
# FE save and render

How to run

Make sure you have docker and docker-compose. Run

$ docker-compose up

Django Credential:

  • username: johndoe
  • password: supersecret
  • password for normal user: quickbrownfox


  • User Management
    • List User
    • Add User
    • Dashboard (Total and New User)
  • Transaction
  • Ticketing System
  • Server Monitoring

Flag DB:

$ docker run -it -p 18000:18000 -v $(pwd)/feature_flag/data:/data checkr/flagr