
Tugas Sesi #2 - Web Developer Bootcamp

Primary LanguagePHP

Mini API One Piece

The Mini API One Piece is a simple API that allows you to interact with data related to One Piece characters and Devil Fruits. It provides endpoints for retrieving character details, creating new characters, updating existing ones, managing Devil Fruits, and more.

Live API

You can access the live API at the following URL:


API Documentation

You can access the detailed API documentation and endpoint descriptions here:


Tech Stack

  • PHP: The server-side scripting language used for building the API.
  • MySQL: The relational database used to store character and Devil Fruit data.
  • Apache and Nginx: Web servers for hosting the API (You can choose either).

Local Development

Follow these steps to set up and run the One Piece Mini API on your local machine:


  1. PHP installed on your system (version 7.4 or higher).
  2. MySQL server installed and running.
  3. Web Server installed: e.g. Laragon, MAMP, XAMPP, etc.


  1. Clone the repository:

    git clone https://github.com/teguhrianto/MiniAPIOnePiece.git.git
  2. Change to the project directory:

    cd MiniAPIOnePiece
  3. Import the database schema by running the SQL script located in the database folder:

    mysql -u yourusername -p yourdbname < database/db_onepiece.sql
  4. Configure the database connection by editing the config/config.php file.

Running on Apache

  1. Place the project folder in your Apache web server directory.
  2. Make sure Apache is running.
  3. Configure the .htaccess file located in the project's root directory to enable clean URLs and routing. The .htaccess file includes rules to rewrite URLs for friendly API endpoints. You don't need to make any changes to this file, as it's preconfigured.
  4. Access the API using a web browser or a tool like Postman

Running on Nginx

  1. Ensure that Nginx is installed and running on your system.
  2. In the project root directory, you'll find an nginx.conf example file. This file contains an Nginx server block configuration that you can use to set up the project with Nginx. The nginx.conf file includes rules to rewrite URLs for friendly API endpoints
  3. In your server block configuration file, adjust the settings as needed, including the server_name (replace with your domain or IP address) and the root (replace with the actual path to the project root directory).
  4. Access the API using a web browser or a tool like Postman


Teguh Rianto Frontend Developer

Portfolio https://teguhrianto.com

Github https://github.com/teguhrianto