README for SDL_Perl-2.2.1 What's New in 2.2.1: SDL_Perl-2.2.1 Adds critical bug fixes in the following areas: -SDL and Constants -SFont and TTFont -SDL::Tutorial Prerequisites: SDL Perl recommends installing the following libraries available from prior to installing: SDL-1.2.8 smpeg-0.4.5 SDL_image-1.2.4 SDL_mixer-1.2.6 SDL_sound-1.0.1 SDL_net-1.2.5 SDL_gfx-2.0.13 SDL_ttf-2.0.7 SDL_svg-1.1.9 SDL_vnc-1.0.0 Additionally the following Perl modules should be installed: Module-Build-0.22 Test-Simple-0.62 Installation: perl Build.PL ./Build ./Build test ./Build bundle # MacOS X only! ./Build install Installation with Windows + MinGW: set SDL_INST_DIR=Absolute/Path/to/SDLdir perl Build.PL ./Build ./Build test ./Build install The build process will use the new Module::Build facility to auto detect and build SDL Perl for your platform. If the build fails please forward bugs to For MacOS X users there is a new experimental bundle, that is called You can use this bundle to run perl scripts with a .spl extension, you know, SDL Perl files. We will work on brining this style launcher and an integrated development environment to all platforms shortly. Documentation: Each module now includes its own documentation, and is accessible through perldoc. Additional tutorials, code, and tips can be found at the website: Online documentation and tutorials are available through perldoc module. Contributing: Anyone wishing to contribute modules, sprite engines, documentation, and anything else that others might find useful, please join the mailing list: This is a mailing list for those interested in SDLperl development, both as an applications developer, and as a core contributor. I am always more than happy to take patches, bug reports, and helpful suggestions. It is feedback, both good and poor, that keeps projects like this going. Enjoy, David J. Goehrig <>