

Primary LanguageCSS

Auth0 Styleguide

Auth0 Product Style Guide. This is for internal use by Auth0 only.


We encourage you to use our CDN resource, but if you want to extend you can either use Component(1) or Bower for that. Instructions on the build process are detailed below.


Using our CDN is the simplest solution. Just add the following line in your project's HTML head and you are done.

<link href="https://cdn.auth0.com/styleguide/latest/index.css" rel="stylesheet" />

If you require any other asset listed under the lib folder, you can follow a simple rule: https://cdn.auth0.com/styleguide/latest/<path-to-asset-under-lib>

For example, if you want to retrieve our logo:

<!-- Retrieving the logo at `lib/logos/img/badge.png` -->
<img src="https://cdn.auth0.com/styleguide/latest/lib/logos/img/badge.png">


Bower usage is only recomended when you plan to extend the styleguide from build. If that's not the case just use our CDN as described above.


bower install auth0/styleguide
  "dependencies": {
    "auth0-styleguide": "auth0/styleguide"


Since we use stylus for compiling our assets. So you should translate this build tasks to your own build process:

stylus --include-css --include bower_components --resolve-url --out <your_dest_path> your_index.styl
cp -R lib/**/* <your_dest_path>

You may use bower or gulp or any task/build helper of your preference. Just make sure the final folder structure looks like this:

|- lib/
|  |- ...
| - index.css


With a build process well defined, you can now include the styleguide from your index.styl

// use all styleguide styles
@include 'bower_components/auth0-styleguide'

// define your own
    color: red;

Or perhaps you want to extend just parts of it by:

// use only colors
@include 'bower_components/auth0-styleguide/lib/vars'

// and override color_red
color_red = '#ff0000';


Component usage is only recomended when you plan to extend the styleguide from build. If that's not the case just use our CDN as described above.

The following details on installation and usage are made according to the latest component version. Check Component's guide for more information.


component install auth0/styleguide

  "dependencies": {
    "auth0/stylguide": "2.0.0"


When using component you will have to build your styles using styleguide with a build step for stylus support.

Basically, you will have to reproduce the line: stylus --include-css --include ./components [files] from Stylus Javascript API.

This is an example for a component-builder plugin setup.

// stylus-plugin.js
var stylus = require('stylus');

module.exports = function stylusPlugin(file, done) {
  if (file.extension !== 'styl') return done();


  function oncontents (err, string) {
    if (err) return done(err);

    var renderer = stylus(string, {
      // add `./components/` folder for lookup
      paths: [process.cwd() + '/components']

    // set `--include-css` flag
    renderer.set('includeCSS', true);

    renderer.render(function (err, result) {
      if(err) return done(err);
      file.extension = 'css';
      file.string = result;

// build.js
var stylus = require('./stylus-plugin.js');
var Builder = require('component-builder');

  .use('styles', stylus)
  .end(function (err, result) {
    // done


With a build process well defined, you can now include the styleguide from your index.styl

// use all styleguide styles
@include 'auth0/styleguide/2.0.0'

// define your own
    color: red;

Or perhaps you want to extend just parts of it by:

// use only colors
@include 'auth0/styleguide/2.0.0/lib/vars'

// and override color_red
color_red = '#ff0000';

Releasing a new version

Run the command bin/version <patch|minor|major|version-no> insithe the root of the repo. This will commit a new version for you.


bin/version minor


All the logos and branding are copyright Auth0 and may not be used or reproduced without explicit permission from Auth0 Inc.

The icons are licensed from Budi Harto Tanrim. All other third-party components are subject to their own licenses.