OASIS Jenkins Agent Container

Based on the openshift/jenkins slave base container, built with customizations for building OASIS collections and testing them with molecule.

Where possible, testing should be done with github actions; this is only used for roles where a scenario runs in openstack to make it (relatively) easy to subscribe systems.

This is used with the kubernetes Jenkins plugin as the container image to use when running a collection's Jenkinsfile; note that the openstack credentials are injected after the fact by a "postCommit" step in the openshift build config, so if you're trying to replicate the OASIS CI system (why? ping smyers on freenode if you're actually doing this, I'm very interested.) you'll need to drop a clouds.yaml in /home/jenkins/.config/openstack, and provide RHSM creds via the OASIS_RHSM_* env vars to make any of this work outside the Red Hat firewall.

Jenkinsfile Example

This is the cleanest-looking way I've found to use this image with a Jenkinsfile:

pipeline {
  agent {
    kubernetes {
      cloud 'openshift'
      containerTemplate {
        name 'jnlp'
        image 'image-registry.openshift-image-registry.svc:5000/oasis/jenkins-agent-oasis:latest'
        args '${computer.jnlpmac} ${computer.name}'
        alwaysPullImage true

  stages {
    stage('A stage') {
      steps {
        // do something