
This is not a pytest plugin, it's just a place for messin' around.

Primary LanguagePython

A closer look at py.test

This repository contains a closer look at some of pytest's concepts, including fixture scopes, paramet(e)rization, and plugins. The concepts here are all documented in the py.test docs, but (as the name would imply) this serves to take a closer look at some of those concepts.

The environment

These tests were written on python 3.7, using py.test 4.3.1

Running the tests


pytest.ini has been configured to run more verbosely than it does by default, so that some of the examples can be seen working in the test output. The examples themselves are heavily commented to explain what's being done and why.

Where's the stuff?

Follow the comments in the test modules, located in the tests directory.

Handy references

Details on most of pytest's interfaces:

Writing plugins and hooks:

Test collection and generation: