install specflow template dotnet new install Specflow.Templates.DotNet
view templates with dotnet new -l
find outdated packages dotnet list package --outdated
Development command: dotnet watch --project Management.Web/
matching questions
- different delimiter (-n in answer messes things up)
- add distractors
on calendar month, displays days that are on the same week as a month change (if month ends on monday, still show tues-sat)
file uploads
- image compression?
- scrape html, when image embedded, upload to canvas and add img tag to canvas asset in html before sending image
add grade percentage support in page
wait until week two before colapsing previous month?
better ux around course settings (assignment groups, term for start/end)
display queue of canvas requests
allow multiple courses to be edited concurrently in different browser tabs
have lock date mimic an offset after drag and drop changes due date
make the ux easier to change course pages
schedule planning view? just outline concepts? (maybe some non-canvas scheduled thing that only shows up in planner? like a note, could be de-emphasized in webpage)
holiday schedule
multi-seciton support for due dates/times
better error handling when files are unparseable