
Cucumber for the JVM (successor of Cuke4Duke)

Primary LanguageJavaMIT LicenseMIT

Cucumber-JVM is a pure Java implementation of Cucumber that supports the following programming languages:

  • Clojure
  • Groovy
  • Ioke
  • Java
  • JavaScript (Rhino interpreter)
  • Python (Jython interpreter)
  • Ruby (JRuby interpreter)
  • Scala

Cucumber-JVM provides the following mechanisms for running Cucumber Features:

  • Command Line
  • JUnit (via IDE, Maven, Ant or anything that knows how to run JUnit)

Cucumber-JVM also integrates with the following Dependency Injection containers:

  • Guice
  • PicoContainer
  • Spring
  • CDI/Weld

Downloading / Installation

Releases are published in Maven Central

Getting jars

Jar files can be browsed and downloaded from [Maven Central] or https://oss.sonatype.org/content/repositories/releases/info/cukes/ (New releases will show up here immediately, while it takes a couple of hours to sync to Maven Central).

Using Maven

Add a dependency in your POM:


There are more jars available - add the ones you need. (TODO: A guide on how to pick the right jars needs to be written)

Using Ivy

Add a dependency in your ivy.xml:

    <dependency org="info.cukes" name="cucumber-core" rev="1.0.0.RC6"/>

Since the artifacts are released to Maven Central, the default Ivy configuration should pull them down automatically. Alternatively you can define your own resolver:

<ibiblio name="sonatype"


There isn't any documentation yet apart from API docs. Documentation will be published before the final 1.0.0 release is ready. If you are adventurous, check out the examples, read the code and ask specific questions on the Cucumber mailing list.

API Docs

TODO: Fix this. The Ivy build doesn't upload them yet.


You will find an example in Git under examples/java-calculator. You should be able to run basic_arithmetic.feature by running the cucumber.examples.java.calculator.basic_arithmetic_Test JUnit test from your IDE. -Or simply by running it with Maven: mvn clean install -P examples once to build it all. Then cd examples/java-calculator followed by mvn test each time you make a change. Try to make the feature fail!

Building Cucumber-JVM

Cucumber-JVM is built with Maven.

mvn clean install

IDE Setup

IntelliJ IDEA

File -> Open Project -> path/to/cucumber-jvm/pom.xml


Just load the root `pom.xml`


To hack on Cucumber-JVM you need a JDK, Maven and Git to get the code. You also need to set your IDE/text editor to use:

  • UTF-8 file encoding
  • LF (UNIX) line endings
  • 4 Space indent (no tabs)
    • Java
    • XML
  • 2 Space indent (no tabs)
    • Gherkin

Please do not add @author tags - this project embraces collective code ownership. If you want to know who wrote some code, look in git. When you are done, send a pull request. If we get a pull request where an entire file is changed because of insignificant whitespace changes we cannot see what you have changed, and your contribution might get rejected.

Continuous Integration


Running cross-platform Cucumber features

All Cucumber implementations (cucumber-ruby, cucumber-jvm, cucumber-js) share a common set of Cucumber features to ensure all implementations support the same basic features. To run these you need to clone the cucumber-tck repo into your cucumber-jvm working copy:

git submodule update --init

Now you can run the cross-platform Cucumber features:

gem install bundler
bundle install


Below are some common problems you might encounter while hacking on Cucumber-JVM - and solutions.

IntelliJ Idea fails to compile the generated I18n Java annotations

This can be solved by changing the Compiler settings: Preferences -> Compiler -> Java Compiler:

  • Use compiler: Javac in-process (Java6+ only)
  • Additional command line parameters: -target 1.6 -source 1.6 -encoding UTF-8

Contributing fixes

Fork the repository on Github, clone it and send a pull request when you have fixed something. Please commit each feature/bugfix on a separate branch as this makes it easier for us to decide what to merge and what not to merge.


This is a reminder to the developers:

mvn release:clean
mvn --batch-mode -P release-sign-artifacts release:prepare -DautoVersionSubmodules=true -DdevelopmentVersion=1.0.0.RC10-SNAPSHOT
mvn -P release-sign-artifacts release:perform