- rustlang follow:
- Install sqlx:
cargo install sqlx-cli
- docker / docker-compose
- direnv (to use the .envrc)
- Setup .envrc (See .envrc-example)
- docker-compose up
- Setup db:
sqlx database create
sqlx migrate run
cargo build --release
RUN Imports
Run RUNE Tx Import script
Note. total_count should now equal rows in the airdrop.txs db
Run ATOM Tx Import script
- This API has been somewhat problematic/slow/drops out. Means that this script might need to be run a few time until all records are imported.
Run Twitter processing from the cleaned memo field in the txs table (After txs imports)
1 ./target/release/process-twitter-from-txs-records
- This will check for the required tweet with a media attachment. It will also save any error message given back from twitter if something fails. Its also
- Due to the twitter rate limiting you might need to run this script a couple of time to make sure all records have been processed.
- This script takes quite sometime to run.
Run the import Rune pool extract script
Note; This will import data into the rune_stakers
Run Imported for extract data sets (gaia and token sale codes)
make import-data-extracts
Run Import token sale submissions
./target/release/import-token-sale-data < ./extracts/community_token_giveaway_submissions.csv
- This will clean and import the data and also run the twitter checks at the same time.
- This can take a while to finish and might be stopped by the twitter rate limiter and therefore should be run a couple of times to make sure all data is imported
RUN finial calc's // TODO
- Need to do a balance check at the time of the incoming tx ie blockheight
Token comps:
- RUNE txs / Rune Staker pools