
Hackintosh on Gigabyte GA-H97-D3H-CF with AMD RX 580 8GB via OpenCore

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Hackintosh on Gigabyte GA-H97-D3H-CF with AMD RX 580 8GB via OpenCore

About this mac

Hardware configuration

  • Intel Core i7-4790
  • Gigabyte GA-H97-D3H-CF
  • 4×8GB Kingston DDR3 1600MHz
  • XFX Radeon RX 580 GTS XXX Edition 8GB (May work on any other versions)
  • Samsung 860 EVO 500GB (macOS)
  • Fenvi FV-HB1200 WiFi BT PCIe Card (BCM94360CS2 Based)
  • Dell P2418D QHD (Monitor)

Before you start make sure you have


BIOS Settings

BIOS Features and Peripherals

  • Save & Exit → Load Optimized Defaults [Yes]
  • BIOS Features → Fast boot [Disabled]
  • BIOS Features → VT-d [Enabled]
  • BIOS Features → Windows 8 Features [Windows 8 WHQL]
  • BIOS Features → CSM Support [Disabled]
  • Peripherals → Initial Display Output [IGFX]
  • Peripherals → XHCI Mode [Enabled]
  • Peripherals → Intel Processor Graphics Memory Allocation [64M]
  • Peripherals → XHCI Hand-off [Enabled]
  • Peripherals → EHCI Hand-off [Enabled]
  • Peripherals → Super IO Configuration → Serial Port A [Disabled]
    • Must be disable it in order that macOS Sleep function will work properly.

What's behind the scenes

  • CFG-Lock / MSR 0xE2 option is UNLOCKED.

Gathering files

  • You must download all not bundled kexts and drivers from repositories by yourself.


You can use SSDT-EC.aml and SSDT-PLUG.aml files, but it probably better to create your own - SSDTs: The easy way

EFI drivers

  • HfsPlus.efi - Needed for seeing HFS volumes(ie. macOS Installers and Recovery partitions/images).
  • OpenRuntime.efi - Must have to work with native NVRAM
  • OpenCanopy.efi - For OpenCore's GUI


  • VirtualSMC.kext - A advanced replacement of FakeSMC, almost like native mac SMC.
    • SMCProcessor.kext - Used for monitoring CPU temperature.
    • SMCSuperIO.kext - Used for monitoring fan speed.
  • Lilu.kext - Dependency of VirtualSMC.kext and WhateverGreen.kext
  • WhateverGreen.kext - Need for iGPU support
  • AppleALC.kext - Getting audio to work as easy-peasy.
  • IntelMausi.kext - Intel driver for Ethernet
  • USBH97-D3H-CF.kext - Plist-only kext for USB port mapping


Config Property list

Please check Config Example\config.plist for post-install config example.


Set iGPU/dGPU config

  • If you are using dGPU (for example: AMD RX580), under DevicePropertiesPciRoot(0x0)/Pci(0x2,0x0) :
    • AAPL,ig-platform-id = 04001204 [Data] - iGPU is only used for compute tasks
    • device-id = 12040000 [Data] - Fake in case you have an HD 4400
  • If you are using just the iGPU, set DevicePropertiesPciRoot(0x0)/Pci(0x2,0x0) :
    • AAPL,ig-platform-id = 0300220D [Data] - iGPU is used to drive a display
    • device-id = 12040000 [Data] - Fake in case you have an HD 4400
  • Fix DRM for RX580, under DeviceProperties add PciRoot(0x0)/Pci(0x1,0x0)/Pci(0x0,0x0) dictionary with: Not needed for Big Sur
    • shikigva = 80 [Number]

Set audio with AppleALC

  • Set AppleALC, under DeviceProperties add PciRoot(0x0)/Pci(0x1B,0x0) dictionary with:
    • layout-id = 63000000 [Data]

Platfom information & USB

  • Populated PlatformInfo > Generic section in config.plist, can be easily done with GenSMBIOS please follow OpenCore Desktop Guide.
  • Add the USBH97-D3H-CF.kext depends on the model you use iMac14,1 / iMac14,2 / iMac15,1 / iMacPro1,1 from USB Kexts. (Also add it to your config, you can see an example on Config Example)
  • Big Sur if you are using any supported AMD dGPU my recommendation is using iMacPro1,1 SMBIOS.


  • Misc -> Boot
  • Misc -> Security
  • NVRAM -> Add -> 7C436110-AB2A-4BBB-A880-FE41995C9F82 -> boot-args:
    • Remove -v from your config.plist
  • NVRAM -> Add -> D1EDE05-38C7-4A6A-9CC6-4BCCA8B38C14 -> UIScale:
    • One-byte data defining boot.efi user interface scaling. Should be 01 for normal screens and 02 for HiDPI screens. (When using Dell P2418D set it to 02)

DRM Compatibility on macOS Big Sur

Source: WhateverGreen documentation

  • defaults write com.apple.AppleGVA gvaForceAMDKE -boolean yes forces AMD DRM decoder for streaming services (like Apple TV and iTunes movie streaming)
  • defaults write com.apple.AppleGVA gvaForceAMDAVCDecode -boolean yes forces AMD AVC accelerated decoder
  • defaults write com.apple.AppleGVA gvaForceAMDAVCEncode -boolean yes forces AMD AVC accelerated encoder
  • defaults write com.apple.AppleGVA gvaForceAMDHEVCDecode -boolean yes forces AMD HEVC accelerated decoder
  • defaults write com.apple.AppleGVA disableGVAEncryption -string YES forces AMD HEVC accelerated decoder
  • defaults write com.apple.coremedia hardwareVideoDecoder -string force forces hardware accelerated video decoder (for any resolution)

USB mapping

Due to these limits disabled interfaces are HS05, HS06, HS07, HS08 and HS13. Those are the two usb2 ports near the PS/2 ports & two internal USB 2.0 headers. In addition, interface HS14 used by Fenvi FV-HB1200 for bluetooth and configured as internal. I'm using all 15 available ports due the limit but If you want to use other ports use this mapping table and schema to edit the Info.plist file inside the USBH97-D3H-CF.kext.

Name UsbConnector port
HS01 0 01000000
HS02 0 02000000
HS03 0 03000000
HS04 0 04000000
HS05 0 05000000
HS06 0 06000000
HS07 0 07000000
HS08 0 08000000
HS09 0 09000000
HS10 0 0A000000
HS11 0 0B000000
HS12 0 0C000000
HS13 0 0D000000
HS14 0 0E000000
SS01 3 10000000
SS02 3 11000000
SS03 3 12000000
SS04 3 13000000
SS05 3 14000000
SS06 3 15000000

For Internal USB ports like Bluetooth - use UsbConnector = 255

Enable HiDPI for Dell P2418D


Use one-key-hidpi to Enable HiDPI on Dell monitor, and have a "Native" Scaled in System Preferences.

  1. Turn off System Integrity Protection(SIP):
    1. Restart & enter into Recovery.
    2. Choose Utilities > Terminal.
    3. Run csrutil disable
    4. Restart & enter into macOS.
  2. Run one-key-hidpi script and set resolution config to 2560x1440 Display
  3. Reboot and check that everthing is working currectly.
  4. Turn on System Integrity Protection(SIP):
    1. Restart & enter into Recovery.
    2. Choose Utilities > Terminal.
    3. Run csrutil enable
    4. Restart & enter into macOS.
  5. After reboot check everthing is working currectly and check SIP enabled by running csrutil status in Terminal.

Dual boot time sync fix

Please follow this guide - Dual boot time sync fix


  1. None :)

Thanks to Andrii Korzh for his repsotory, knowledge sharing and permission.

Current System Kexts & Drivers Versions

