
Ansible dynamic inventory using avahi

Primary LanguageGo


An ansible dynamic inventory based an avahi(mdns). I first made it to configure my raspberry pi devices but it would be interesting for iot too.

Right now, it "shoud" works. It has not being fully tested, etc ... The code is not really clean and some improvements has to be made.


On the devices you want to manage

You need to have an avahi-daemon started and configured on each devices you want to reach.

It should be seen by the command avahi-browser -arp

On your computer

You must have golang installed on your computer. The project has been developped using go version go1.19.5 linux/amd64.


Then it is just a question of make build and you will find the binary in the bin directory. It makes a binary for Linux and MacOS.

Use it

Once your binary is compiled, use that binary as an inventory in ansible: ansible-inventory -i bin/avahi-discovery-linux-amd64 --list