
Easy Command sender for esp8266

Primary LanguagePython


=== Easy Command sender for esp8266.

Instead of sending the AT commands one by one, I made this script to read a file where the commands are listed (one per line)


This script has been devellop with python2. I will work on it to make it python3 accepted.

There is a depedency on pyserial. If you don't use the setup file, you will need to install it manually or install it with pip

pip install pyserial

Otherwise just run the setup file. Everything will be took care automaticly.

python2 setup.py install

How to use

Create a file containing those lines:


Once the file save, you just have to run:

esp-cmd /dev/ttyUSB0 commandfile/testAtCommand

You can also give a baudrate:

esp-cmd -b 115200 /dev/ttyUSB0 commandfile/testAtCommand

Things to be done

  • Give the possibility to send a command directly from the command line, not only from a file
  • Make a better error handling. Right now, if it somethings goes wrong, it will crash yeak!
  • Has error handling, do something if one of the AT command return an ERROR
  • Make the script accept to be run with python3.