
Scripts to show cyclomatic complexity of Python code in Vim and Emacs.

Primary LanguagePython


Scripts to show cyclomatic complexity of Python code in Vim and Emacs.

Original vim script by Gary Bernhardt. Emacs support added by Ignas Mikalajūnas.

Patches contributed by:

  • Godefroid Chapelle
  • Steve Bedford
  • Chris Clark
  • Peter Prohaska

vim plugin

Vim plugin is in pycomplexity.vim directory vim python complexity

install vim plugin with NeoBundle

If you're using NeoBundle plugin manager you can add this into ~/.vimrc:

NeoBundle 'garybernhardt/pycomplexity', {'rtp': 'pycomplexity.vim/'}
" optional F6 mapping to fire :Complexity command
nnoremap <silent> <F6> :Complexity<CR>