Problem Statement: Water hyacinth infestation and waste accumulation on water banks pose significant environmental and economic challenges, requiring efficient and effective removal methods to restore aquatic ecosystems and mitigate associated risks.

Solution: Developing a robotic system using ROS (Robot Operating System) for targeted removal of water hyacinth plants and cleanup of waste on water banks, employing sensors and manipulators for precise and automated operation.


  1. Enhances removal efficiency and accuracy compared to manual methods.
  2. Minimizes human labor and associated safety risks involved in cleanup efforts.
  3. Enables continuous monitoring and maintenance of affected water bodies.
  4. Facilitates scalability and adaptability for addressing varying levels of infestation and waste accumulation.

Feasibility: Utilizing ROS facilitates seamless integration of sensors, actuators, and control algorithms, streamlining robot development and deployment. Additionally, leveraging existing ROS packages and frameworks accelerates prototyping and implementation.

Evidence: Previous ROS-based robotic systems have demonstrated success in various environmental applications, including underwater cleaning and vegetation management, showcasing the feasibility and effectiveness of this approach for addressing similar challenges.