(pronounced Grep G) is a python client for GrepPage. It allows you to access your cheat sheets without leaving the terminal.
To install grepg
sudo pip install grepg
- python 2.7.3 and greater
Enter user and topic name followed by an optional search string.
Usage: grepg -u <user_name> [-t <topic_name> -s <search_term>]
-h, --help, --short-help
show this help message and exit.
--long-help show options from all registered modules, not just the
__main__ module.
-v, --verbose Log to stdout [default: False]
-f, --force Force fetch cheats and update cached cheats. Default
Cache TTL 10 seconds [default: False]
-u USER, --user=USER username
-t TOPIC, --topic=TOPIC
-s SEARCH, --search=SEARCH
text to search
-c, --colorize colorize output [default: False]
grepg -u tejal29
grepg -u tejal29 -t python
grepg -u tejal29 -t python -s open
To set default user, create a file in ~/.grepg.yml with
user: test
ttl_in_seconds: 86400 # 1 day
##List all topics for a user
$ grepg -u tejal29
User: tejal29, Last Fetched: 4 second(s) ago
Available Topics =>
scala Shell Vertica Mac Javascript Python Misc
##List all cheats for the scala
topic for user tejal29
$ grepg -u tejal29 -t scala
User: tejal29, Topic: scala, Last Fetched: 0 second(s) ago
Convert List of string to Set
‘this is a list this’.split(‘ ‘).map(Word(_)).toSet
Case class example
case class Person(firstName: String, lastName:String)
##Search for a specific string
$ grepg -u tejal29 -t scala -s 'case class'
User: tejal29, Topic: scala, Search-Term: case, Last fetched: 5 second(s) ago
Case class example
case class Person(firstName: String, lastName:String)
Case Multiple match
val c: Char = 'f'
c match {
case ‘,’ | ‘.’ => println(‘punctuation’)
case _ => println(‘not punctuation’)
Setup defaults in ~/.grepg.yml
Adding ttl_in_seconds
will fetch all the cheats from until the cache is expired. If you want to access newly added cheats append -f
to force fetch
user: tejal29
colorize: true
ttl_in_seconds: 86400 # 1 day
Now, you can do
$ grepg -t python
User: tejal29, Topic: python, Last fetched: 5 second(s) ago
#Advanced usage
grepg -s
does a simply does an 'or' when multiple search terms specified on command line and cheat descriptions. In order to get finer results, you can change the match_op
to 'and'
You can do that on command line via --match-op
. The below command gives one match result instead of 2 shown in Search for a specific string.
$ grepg -u tejal29 -t scala -s 'case class' --match-op and
User: tejal29, Topic: scala, Search-Term: case, Last fetched: 5 second(s) ago
Case class example
case class Person(firstName: String, lastName:String)
You can also specify the default match_op
in ~/.grepg.yml
user: tejal29
match_op: and
#Development To run grepg client in dev mode,
./pants run src/python/grepg:bin -- -u tejal29 -t scala -s 'class case'
To execute tests run
./pants test tests/python/grepg::
First run pants goal setup_py
./pants setup-py src/python/grepg:grepg-packaged
This should place a dist/grepg-.tar.gz in your workspace. Unzip the tar
cd dist && tar -xvf grepg-<version>.tar.gz
Finally install the local package
cd grepg-<version>
pip install -e .
Now install grep locally from this zip. #License grepg is under the MIT License.
#Related Projects Ruby client for grepg