Build Status

Spring Boot + Vue.js + Docker Template

Contains a template project with the following contents

  • Spring Boot Application with a single HTTP service

  • Enunciate for API documentation generation

  • Vue.js application with a sample component

  • Axios as http client in the UI application

  • Webpack Build for the frontend including live reload

  • Maven Build for the backend which also wraps the frontend build

  • A Dockerfile to create an image from the jar produced.

  • Travis build instructions running the maven and Docker build


  1. Run npm install in src/main/frontend

  2. Run mvn clean install from the project’s root to build the complete application.

  3. Run docker build -t tejanhu/qacinema . or use your own tag

You now have a docker image containg your backend and your frontend. The generated API documentation is located at /doc/index.html


  • To run the jar directly, use java -jar target/qacinema*.jar

  • To run inside a container on port 8080, use docker run -p8080:8080 tejanhu/qacinema


Run npm run dev from src/main/frontend to run the a local dev server for UI development. The dev server will run on http://localhost:8081. It proxies the requests to backend HTTP API expected to run on http://localhost:8800/api. So you can run the backend from your IDE and the frontend in the dev server.

If you run the complete package, the frontend requests will be made against /api on the same server.

FUTURE == Roadmap

  • [frontend] Add karma unit tests

  • [frontend] Add vue components (vuestrap or vue-material)

  • [backend] Add integration tests for the API w/ RESTAssured

  • [backend] Add coverage with jacoco

  • [backend] Implement ports and adapter/ring architecture with example domain, repository, http and JPA adapters

  • [build] Replace enunciate with swagger?