RealDevSquad Events Website (

Purpose of the site is to showcase events(tech talk, conference, AMA, etc) we conduct in our Real Dev community.

Instructions to run project on local machine

  • Install Node js Version 12 or above on your machine
  • Install Git cli or Github Desktop on your machine
  • Clone this repositoy on your machine git clone
  • Run npm install or yarn in repository folder to install required node modules
  • Run npm run dev or yarn run dev to run application i in development mode

Languages and Frameworks in use

We use Netlify to deploy our site, because its awesome 😄

Event(tech talk, conference, etc) data model

Field Name Field Type Required Description
eventId String True Unique event ID (auto generated)
status Enum ['Previous', 'Upcoming'] True Event status
title String True Event title
startTime Date/String(yet to finalize) True Event starting date and time
duration Number(in seconds) True Event duration
description String False Event desciption
speakers [speakerId] (array of speaker) True Speaker in Event (at least one speaker required for event)
attendees [Attendee] (array of attendee) True Attendees for event(default value is empty array)
joiningUrl String(href link) True Link to attend event

Speaker data model

Field Name Field Type Required Description
speakerId String True Unique speaker ID (autogenerated)
fullName String True Speaker's full name
avatarUrl String True Speaker's avatar URL(local or remote URL)
jobTitle String True Speaker's job title
companyUrl String(href link) False Work place URL of speaker
githubUrl String(href link) False Github URL
linkedinUrl String(href link) False Linkedin URL
twitterUrl String(href link) False Twitter URL
mediumUrl String(href link) False Medium URL
codepenUrl String(href link) False Codepen URL
prevTalks [eventId](array of events) True Previous talks by speaker (default value empty array)

TODO features

  • Setup project structure
  • Create JSON object(as per data model) for data storage purpose in /pages/api folder
  • Fetch data from /pages/api in Card