INJI, one-click deployment on GCP



Deployment Approach

Deployment uses the following tools:

  • Terraform for GCP - Infrastructure deployment
  • Helm chart - Application/Microservices deployment
  • Cloud Build - YAML scripts which acts as a wrapper around Terraform Deployment scripts

The entire Terraform deployment is divided into 3 stages -

  • Pre-Config stage
    • Create the required infra for deployment
  • Setup Stage
    • Deploy the Core services

Helm Chart Details


Currently, the below release version of the Helm charts will be deployed. The version can be updated in the .env file if needed.

Chart Chart Version Docker Image Docker Version
mosip/inji-certify 0.9.0 mosipid/inji-certify 0.9.0
mosip/mimoto 0.13.1 tejashjl/mimoto develop
mosip/injiweb 0.9.0 mosipdev/inji-web develop
mosip/injiverify 0.9.0 mosipqa/inji-verify latest


Currently, the below release version of the Helm charts will be deployed. The version can be updated in the deployments/.esignet.env file if needed.

Chart Chart Version Docker Image Docker Version
mosip/softhsm 12.0.1 mosipid/softhsm v2
mosip/artifactory 12.0.1 tejashjl/artifactory-server develop
mosip/keycloak 7.1.18 mosipid/mosip-keycloak 16.1.1-debian-10-r85
mosip/postgres-init 12.0.1 mosipid/postgres-init
mosip/esignet 1.4.1 mosipid/esignet 1.4.0
mosip/oidc-ui 1.4.1 mosipid/oidc-ui 1.4.0
mosip/keycloak-init 12.0.1 mosipid/keycloak-init
mosip/mock-identity-system 0.9.3 mosipid/mock-identity-system 0.9.3


Currently, the below release version of the Helm charts will be deployed. The version can be updated in the deployments/.registry.env file if needed.

Service Docker Version
registry v1.0.0
credential_schema_service v2.0.0-rc3
credentials_service v2.0.0-rc3
keycloak_service v1.0.0
identity_service_version v2.0.0-rc3


  • Alternate

  • Install kubectl

    sudo apt-get update
    sudo apt-get install kubectl
    kubectl version --client
    sudo apt-get install google-cloud-sdk-gke-gcloud-auth-plugin
  • Install Helm

    curl | gpg --dearmor | sudo tee /usr/share/keyrings/helm.gpg > /dev/null
    sudo apt-get install apt-transport-https --yes
    echo "deb [arch=$(dpkg --print-architecture) signed-by=/usr/share/keyrings/helm.gpg] all main" | sudo tee /etc/apt/sources.list.d/helm-stable-debian.list
    sudo apt-get update
    sudo apt-get install helm
    helm version --client

Workspace - Folder structure

  • (Root Folder)
    • assets
      • images
      • architetcure diagrams
      • ...(more)
    • builds
      • apps - Deploy/Remove all Application services
      • infra - Deploy/Remove all Infrastructure components end to end
    • deployments - Store config files required for deployment
      • configs
        • Store config files required for deployment
      • scripts
        • Shell scripts required to deploy services
    • terraform-scripts
      • Deployment files for end to end Infrastructure deployment
    • terraform-variables
      • dev
        • pre-config
          • pre-config.tfvars
            • Actual values for the variable template defined in to be passed to

Infrastructure Deployment


Step-by-Step guide

Setup CLI environment variables

alias k=kubectl

Authenticate user to gcloud

gcloud auth login
gcloud auth list
gcloud config set account $OWNER

Setup current project

gcloud config set project $PROJECT_ID

gcloud services enable
gcloud services enable
gcloud services enable
gcloud services enable
gcloud services enable
gcloud services enable
gcloud services enable
gcloud services enable
gcloud services enable
gcloud services enable
gcloud services enable
gcloud services enable

gcloud config set compute/region $REGION
gcloud config set compute/zone $ZONE

Setup Service Account

Current authenticated user will handover control to a Service Account which would be used for all subsequent resource deployment and management

gcloud iam service-accounts create $GSA_DISPLAY_NAME --display-name=$GSA_DISPLAY_NAME
gcloud iam service-accounts list

# Make SA as the owner
gcloud projects add-iam-policy-binding $PROJECT_ID --member=serviceAccount:$GSA --role=roles/owner

# ServiceAccountUser role for the SA
gcloud projects add-iam-policy-binding $PROJECT_ID --member=serviceAccount:$GSA --role=roles/iam.serviceAccountUser

# ServiceAccountTokenCreator role for the SA
gcloud projects add-iam-policy-binding $PROJECT_ID --member=serviceAccount:$GSA --role=roles/iam.serviceAccountTokenCreator

Deploy Infrastructure using Terraform

Teraform State management

# Maintains the Terraform state for deployment
gcloud storage buckets create gs://$PROJECT_ID-inji-state --project=$PROJECT_ID --default-storage-class=STANDARD --location=$REGION --uniform-bucket-level-access

# List all Storage buckets in the project to check the creation of the new one
gcloud storage buckets list --project=$PROJECT_ID


Prepare Landing Zone

# One click of deployment of infrastructure
gcloud builds submit --config="./builds/infra/deploy-script.yaml" \
--project=$PROJECT_ID --substitutions=_PROJECT_ID_=$PROJECT_ID,\

# Remove/Destroy infrastructure
gcloud builds submit --config="./builds/infra/destroy-script.yaml" \
---project=$PROJECT_ID --substitutions=_PROJECT_ID_=$PROJECT_ID,\
Apply complete! Resources: 36 added, 0 changed, 0 destroyed.


lb_public_ip = "**.93.6.**"
sql_private_ip = "**.125.196.**"

Before moving to the next step, you need to create domain/sub-domain and create a DNS A type record pointing to lb_public_ip You would the below domain/sub-domain to be configured for inji

  • FR_DOMAIN - Domain to integrate with Sunbird RC
  • ESIGNET_DOMAIN - Domain to integrate with eSignet
  • DOMAIN - Domain to integrate with inji modules
  • VERIFY_DOMAIN - Domain to integrate with inji verify module

You would also need a public github repository to host DIDs, and pass the github repo url using WEB_DID_BASE_URL env

Deploy service

Deploy Landing Zone

# One click of deployment of services
#### The REGION,PROJECT_ID,GSA,EMAIL_ID,DOMAIN needs to be updated in the command below.

gcloud builds submit --config="./builds/apps/deploy-script.yaml" \
--region=$REGION --project=$PROJECT_ID --substitutions=_PROJECT_ID_=$PROJECT_ID,\

# Remove/Destroy
#### The REGION,PROJECT_ID,GSA,EMAIL_ID,DOMAIN needs to be updated in the command below.

gcloud builds submit --config="./builds/apps/destroy-script.yaml" \
--region=$REGION --project=$PROJECT_ID --substitutions=_PROJECT_ID_=$PROJECT_ID,\

Update esignet/certify/mimoto properties

Update the properties data in /deployment directory and run the below command to deploy the changes. The detailed steps to execute the below command is provided in the below DEMO sections.


gcloud builds submit --config="./builds/config-update/deploy-script.yaml" \
--region=$REGION --project=$PROJECT_ID --substitutions=_PROJECT_ID_=$PROJECT_ID,\

Mount pkcs12/p12 file to mimoto

The detailed steps to execute the below command is provided in the below DEMO sections. You can follow either of the steps mentioned below:

To generate and mount the pkcs12 file through automated scripts

  • Create a key.jwk in directory/secrets directory with the private key jwk that was used to create a OIDC client
  • Run the below command to generate a pkcs12 file and mount it to mimoto
 gcloud.cmd builds submit --region=$REGION --config="./builds/p12-import/deploy-script.yaml" --project=$PROJECT_ID \

To generate and mount the pkcs12 file manually

  • Create a key.jwk in a directory with the private key jwk that was used to create a OIDC client
  • Run the below script to generate a pkcs12 file
npm install -g cli-jwk-to-pem
jwk=$(cat key.jwk)
jwk-to-pem --jwk $jwk > key.pem

openssl req -new -sha256 -key key.pem -out csr.csr -subj "/C=GB/ST=London/L=London/O=Global Security/OU=IT Department/"

openssl req -x509 -sha256 -days 365 -key key.pem -in csr.csr -out certificate.pem

export pass=$(cat deployments/ | grep "mosip.oidc.p12.password" | sed  -e 's/mosip.oidc.p12.password=//g')
openssl pkcs12 -export -out oidckeystore.p12 -inkey key.pem -in certificate.pem --name esignet-sunbird-partner -passout env:pass
  • Run the below script to mount the pkcs12 file to mimoto service
kubectl create secret generic mimotooidc -n esignet --from-file=oidckeystore.p12
kubectl rollout restart deploy mimoto -n esignet

Connect to the Cluster through bastion host

gcloud compute instances list
gcloud compute ssh inji-demo-ops-vm --zone=$ZONE
gcloud container clusters get-credentials inji-demo-cluster --project=$PROJECT_ID --region=$REGION

kubectl get nodes
kubectl get pods -n $NS
kubectl get svc -n ingress-nginx

Steps to connect to Psql

  • Run the below command in bastion host
  • Install psql client
sudo apt-get update
sudo apt-get install postgresql-client
  • Run below command to access psql password
gcloud secrets versions access latest --secret inji-demo
  • Run below command to get private ip of sql
 gcloud sql instances describe inji-demo-pgsql --format=json  | jq -r ".ipAddresses"
  • Connect to psql
psql "sslmode=require hostaddr=PRIVATE_IP user=postgres dbname=postgres"

Steps to access keycloak password

  • Run the below command in bastion host
 echo Password: $(kubectl get secret --namespace inji keycloak -o jsonpath="{.data.admin-password}" | base64 --decode)

Steps to access keycloak client secret

  • Run the below command in bastion host
 echo Secret: $(kubectl get secrets keycloak-client-secrets -n esignet -o jsonpath="{.data.mosip_pms_client_secret}" | base64 --decode)


The postman collection (along with env config) has been provided in postman_collections directory.

Open postman and import both the collection and environment collections

  • Select the inji-env environment from the dropdown
  • Update REGISTRY_HOST env with FR_DOMAIN value
  • Update ESIGNET_HOST env with ESIGNET_DOMAIN value
  • Update INJI_HOST env with DOMAIN value
  • Update client_secret env with the keycloak secret value, by running the below cmd,
  echo Secret: $(kubectl get secrets keycloak-client-secrets -n esignet -o jsonpath="{.data.mosip_pms_client_secret}" | base64 --decode)

1. Function Registry Setup

You can follow the below steps to initialize RC, you can trigger the apis in the given order in RC directory of the postman collection.

  • Now generate a DID(POST /did/generate) and create a credential schema(POST /credential-schema)
    • take note of $.schema[0].author and $.schema[0].id from the create credential schema request
    • host the output of the JSON to the GitHub pages repo created earlier
  • Modify the properties of the Esignet and Certify services located in the deployments/ and deployments/ files respectively.
    • Include Issuer ID and credential schema ID for the following properties:
    • esignet-default-properties:
      • mosip.esignet.vciplugin.sunbird-rc.credential-type.{credential type}.static-value-map.issuerId.
      • mosip.esignet.vciplugin.sunbird-rc.credential-type.{credential-type}.cred-schema-id.
      • mosip.certify.vciplugin.sunbird-rc.credential-type.{credential type}.static-value-map.issuerId.
      • mosip.certify.vciplugin.sunbird-rc.credential-type.{credential-type}.cred-schema-id.
    • The $.schema[0].author DID goes to the config ending in issuerId and $.schema[0].id DID goes to the config ending in cred-schema-id.
  • Trigger all the 11 Apis listed in the RC directory in the postman collections
  • Next, trigger the deploy script to update the properties of esignet/certify services
gcloud builds submit --config="./builds/config-update/deploy-script.yaml" \
--region=$REGION --project=$PROJECT_ID --substitutions=_PROJECT_ID_=$PROJECT_ID,\

2. eSignet Setup

  • You can now create a OIDC Client, goto eSignet/OIDC Client Mgmt section in postman collection and trigger all the APIs to create a OIDC client
  • Copy privateKey_jwk env value from postman environment and update deployments\secrets\key.jwk file
  • Run the below command to mount the private key as p12 file to mimoto service
gcloud builds submit --config="./builds/config-update/deploy-script.yaml" \
--region=$REGION --project=$PROJECT_ID --substitutions=_PROJECT_ID_=$PROJECT_ID,\
  • Next you can run the apis in eSignet/KBA and verify if you are able to access the credential

3. Inji Web Demo

Next you can test the inji web by following the below steps:

  • Launch the Inji Web application in your web browser (Use DOMAIN)
  • In the Home page, from the section, List of Issuers section, click on issuers' tile to land in Credential Types selection page.
  • Click on a Credential Type tile and authenticate in the eSignet page by providing the required details.
  • Provide the patient details that was created in the postman collection, For ex: Patient ID: p-123, Patient Name: ram, Patient DoB: 14-09-2024
  • Credential is downloaded in the background and PDF will be generated and stored in the Downloads folder of the system.
  • Upon successful PDF generation, user can view the PDF of the downloaded VC

4. Mobile Wallet Demo

Next you can test the inji wallet by following the below steps:

  • Launch the Inji Wallet application in your simulator/phone
  • After the app setup you can follow the same steps provided above to download the VC for the user.

5. Inji Verify Demo

Next you can test the inji verify by following the below steps:

  • Launch the Inji Verify application in your mobile browser (Use VERIFY_DOMAIN)
  • In the Home page, select Scan the QR Code tab and scan the qr code present in the PDF file that was downloaded in the previous step.
  • If QR code is valid, the details of the VC and status will be shown