Sado is a work-in-progress, multipurpose, hyper-customizable discord bot which allows discord server admins to more efficiently manage channels.
Donwload NodeJS (and npm) from Nodejs
Then clone the repository, you can do so through the terminal (in the directory of your choice) by the command
git clone
In the terminal of the cloned directory, run the following commands to set package configs
npm init
Then, install discord node modules:
npm install discord.js
Now, create a "congfig.js" file and add the following:
module.exports = {
token: "insert bot token here"
Now you're ready to interact with the repo!
Once cloned, create a branch, you can use terminal:
git checkout -b <branch_name>
git checkout -b reaction-testing
Now, make this branch remote for others to access:
git push -u origin <branch_name>
Now that you're set up, create Pull Requests to make changes to the main branch
You can delete local branch using
git branch -d <branch_name>
Now you can delete the remote branch:
git push -d origin <branch_name>
Creators: Sameer, Aarian, Dario, Oscar
Collaborators: Tejas, Shoaib
(Currently has 2 commands and leaves a message when someone joins or enters the server)
- Things left for V1:
Add reactions
Add multiple messages to randomly select from when someone joins/leaves the server