
QuickDraw! is an online game that challenges players to draw a picture of an object or idea and then uses a neural network (NN) artificial intelligence to guess what the drawings represent. The AI learns from each drawing, increasing its ability to guess correctly in the future.

Primary LanguagePython


Links for downloading datasets:

  1. Training dataset: https://autonise-my.sharepoint.com/:u:/r/personal/pragya_autonise_com/Documents/StudentsShare/Internship/QuickDraw/GoogleDataImages_train.zip?csf=1&web=1&e=lC7Y9e
  2. Testing dataset: https://autonise-my.sharepoint.com/:u:/r/personal/pragya_autonise_com/Documents/StudentsShare/Internship/QuickDraw/GoogleDataImages_test.zip?csf=1&web=1&e=Bhvs8C

Requirements downloads:

Pip installation:

pip install -r requirements.txt

QuickDraw! is an online game that challenges players to draw a picture of an object or idea and then uses a neural network (NN) artificial intelligence to guess what the drawings represent. The AI learns from each drawing, increasing its ability to guess correctly in the future.

Checkout to view the QuickDraw! Recognizer game!