Determine the most efficient data format for handling large data - NYC Taxi Trips

• Explored Spark Databricks with the NYC Taxi Trips project, containing data in ‘parquet’ and ‘delta’ formats across different sizes (S, M, L, XL, XXL).

• Removed all outliers using a modified Z-Score and filtered out records with 0 distance or no passengers. Performed various tasks to note execution time across different data formats and sizes.

• Computed unit profitability of the dataset to assess execution time.

• Ranked zones by traffic, passenger volume, and profitability.

• Noted the execution time of the pipeline, finding that the ‘delta’ data format performed better with XXL dataset size, indicating it saves time for tasks involving larger datasets.

This code represents my submission for the module CSC8101: Engineering For AI at Newcastle University, where I am pursuing a Master's degree in Data Science with a specialisation in Artificial Intelligence.

NOTE: Please be aware that I have shared this code publicly to exhibit my work. Kindly refrain from directly copying and pasting it for your coursework, as doing so may lead to issues with plagiarism.