
Collection of Android and Java related questions and topics to know - developed by Hackathon Hackers #HellYeah

MIT LicenseMIT


Collaboration Rules

Make sure your question is new and unique - not just rephrasing a previously existing question. If possible, include a link to the solution/topic. Questions should be fairly straightforward and completely technical (no "how many golf balls are in America" questions.) If there is a new topic that you think should be included, then include it!


General Developer Questions

  • How familiar you are with the Android and Google Guidelines?

Core Java

Data Structures

  • What are the use cases and differences of arrays and ArrayLists?
  • What are the use cases and differences of a HashSet and a TreeSet?

Build Tools

  • Have you used any Ant, Maven, Gradle features for you project?

Android Design and XML

Android Networking

  • Have you use an HTTP Library, which, why, did you like it?
  • Describe how REST APIs work.
