Coding samples for the flint project, in the C programming language.
I have a habit of prototyping first and then impleneting. I've observed that this makes the coding process more productive for me. I used Octave to prototype the HNF algorithm first, and then implemented it using C.
Curret code in the Repository
C implementation of HNL using Euclidean Algorithm.
- Compiling instructions type 'gcc main.c -lm -o main' to compile the example implementation. then type ./main to run the program
- Trying different matrices. The code is sufficiently modularised to try finding different HNF of different matrices. Just change the matrix definition in the generate_matrix method found in the implementations.c file in the root folder. Also, define rows and cols in the main program accordingly.
- This is the main test program for the computation of HNF, which utilises interface.h and implementa -tion.c.
- The interface.h file contains a definition of all the algorithm related functions that we need to compute the HNF of a given matrix.
- This file contains the implementations of the functions described in the interface and as used by the main program.
Docs Folder
- The Docs folder contains the documentation for all the algorithm functions descirbed in the interface and implementation files.
Test Folder
- The test folder contains the tests to verify whether a given matrix is in Hermite Normal Form or not. The tests are based on the following definition of HNF for a non-singular matrix given on Page 2 of this reference
- The test folder contains the tests to verify whether a given matrix is in Hermite Normal Form or not. The tests are based on the following definition of HNF for a non-singular matrix given on Page 2 of this reference
Research Folder
- This folder contains the research I did prior to GSoC about the various algorithms that need to be studied and implemented as a part of the project.