
L-CAS specific works on ILIAD project

Primary LanguageC++

Packages and description:

Note: Those packages are still in early development ("hic sunt dracones")

twist_controller (previously zombie)

Extremely simple forklift controller. Contains a basic ROS/CAN bridge and a simple command converter. Command converter transforms from rot/trans vel commands (like a differential robot) to steering angle/speed and motor wheel speed.

base_simulation (previously in package named demo)

Gazebo world configurations and simulated forklifts used in other packages.

nav_simulation (previously in package named demo)

Shows simulated forklift using ROS navigation stacks. Currently testing TEB planner and ROS DWA.


Depends on base and navigatio simulation packages. It simulates human aware navigation.

Source dependences:

Remember to source after building with catkin_make -DCMAKE_BUILD_TYPE=Release