An iOS UIView subclass that runs Conway's Game Of Life.
You can use this
- To replace a boring spinner as a loading indicator.
- As the header view of a UITableView
- As a placeholder on a screen that doesn't have any data.
A couple of notes before you start using this:
- Whilst this has some optmizations built-in, it doesn't directly implement the popular algorithms like QLife / Hashlife
- Instead of using lookup tables, I wanted to make the game of life using easily readable code.
- I should probably do some benchmarking at some point, but a quick test shows it runs without any noticeable lag on a 4S with ~1000 cells.
Please use the custom initializer provided to init the view. It supports a couple of interesting Game of life patterns
out of the box, but if you'd like to, you can always tweak the code to add more in the seedPattern:
The colors of dead / live cells can also be changed via code. Modify the colors initWithFrame
method to suit your