
Term Project as part of the course Digital Image Processing Laboratory at IIT Kharagpur conducted during Spring 2018.

Primary LanguageC++


Term Project as part of the course Digital Image Processing Laboratory at IIT Kharagpur conducted during Spring 2018.

To run the code, perform following steps:

  1. Download DRIVE dataset from the following link: http://www.isi.uu.nl/Research/Databases/DRIVE/
  2. Store the DRIVE folder in the same folder as of the this project
  3. Open Terminal and type: make ./Asgn6 4.The terminal will ask you for image number. Enter an Image number between 1 and 40 (both inclusive). Images from 1 to 20 correspond to images from testing set and that from 21 to 40 correspond to the ones from training set. Enter -1 to quit. Entering any other number will lead to invalid input. You will have to enter the image number again.