
Gets the bike related tweets based on your location and shows sentiments on it in real time.

Primary LanguageJupyter Notebook

NLP on Bike Craze Based On Location

This project is a part of Data Science hobby projects of mine.

-- Project Status: [Completed]

Project Intro/Objective

The purpose of this project is to use the Natural Language Processing techniques to find the current craze of bikes based on Location. As the country changes the types of bikes preferred by people changes , For example most people in India uses Low end bikes that are sufficient to meet their daily commute needs unlike in countries like Ireland where bike prices are very costly when compared to India. There are many other arbitary factors that influcene the bikes craze in any location such as weather, price, look and feel, roads, traffic rules etc. Because of these many factors the likebaility on bikes is every changing and dynamic. This project is mainly to provide solution/help those to get a quick overview of the current craze of a bike by location based on Tweets by users in the location.

Methods Used

  • Inferential Statistics
  • Machine Learning
  • Data Visualization
  • Natural Language Processing
  • Web Scraping
  • Twitter
  • Data Cleaning


  • Python

  • Json

  • Pandas, jupyter

  • HTML

  • PLease look at requirements file here

Project Description

As countries have different bike companies and I dont want to put an extra load on Twitter API usage by searching through all the bike companies hashtags that exist in the world and so I have implemented a search of only the bike comapanies that exist in the user country. Used wikipedia page (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_motorcycle_manufacturers) to get the list of countries and its bike companies. The wikipedia page was scraped using Beautiful Soup library. Twitter API (free tier) is used to get the tweets based on bike names. All the tweets are cleaned and visualized.

Getting Started

  1. Clone this repo (for help see this tutorial).
  2. Raw Data is extracted from wikipedia page here
  3. Wikipedia page extration file is kept here
  4. Location extraction / near by location search is done here
  5. Twitter API script to call, search, preprocess, clean and Visulaize can be found here


Please find the notebook to get a quick grasp at the whole project.

My Details:

Name Git Hub Handle Website
[Tejesh Batapati] https://github.com/tejeshb https://tejesh-ai.webflow.io/

Feel free to look at my personal projects website here [tejesh.AI] (https://tejesh-ai.webflow.io/)