
Nicely working Music player with awesome features of finding total length of music as well as the current playing length ,

Primary LanguagePython


Nicely working Music player with awesome features of finding total length of music as well as the current playing length .

...............Modules used.........................

  1. pygame : pygame is a external library used for making games but i used it's mixer.music class which is responsible for playing music so before running this script please install pygame in your system.

  2. mutagen : The logic behind finding the song length and current played song length is done by using mutagen , same like pygame mutagen is also a external library so before running this script please make sure you also installed mutagen in your system . and this music player is only works with .MP3 songs , not with other formats .

  3. tkinter : the only built-in library used in this project is tkinter , i choose tkinter because of its easy synatx and simplicity .

.............. About............. My name is Yogesh singh . Please make sure to follow me on Github and instagram .... . happy coding .... :-)