Exponantial Solidarity Donation Contract

A smart contract that automatically sends a part of the payment that splits the payment it receives and sends the parts to pre defined-contract adresses


run a local development blockchain and compile the contracts:

npm install -g truffle
truffle develop --> this will also run a local test blockchain on your machine on port 9545

within the development console run compile migrate --reset

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set the right initial values for the ExpoSolidarityDonations contract

in the file migrations/2_deploy_contracts.js change the payee addresses in this line to the 4 needed addresses: [addressOfSharedBookdAuthorsWallet, addressOfExponantialSolidityWallet, addressOfGranitoGranitoNgoWallet, addressOfNinosDeGuantaroNgoWallet]

to 4 addresses from the truffle develop command that you ran before

Install Metamask and connect it to your locally running blockchain.

Metamask https://chrome.google.com/webstore/detail/metamask/nkbihfbeogaeaoehlefnkodbefgpgknn after setting up metamask connect it to your local blockchain: (connect to the local blockchain that runs on port 9545)

the command truffle develop outputed some private keys created on your local blockchain. In the metamask extension click on import account and type in one of the private keys from the truffle develop command