
Breakout friendly for breadboard of mini breakout for Intel Edison

Primary LanguageEagleMIT LicenseMIT


The concept of the Intel Edison is great, but require skills (some skills are very advanced) to start working with this tiny invention.

The concept of Sparkfun Blocks is great, but lack the access to all the pins of the Edison (else you will require several blocks).

The Arduino board is a great way to start with Intel Edison, but is to big and breaks the esscence of the edison, besides that, this board don't have access to all the pins of the Edison.

So, is necesary to build a very expensive PCB (with very small traces and very small connector) to do an advanced prototype of the Intel Edison?

The response is: not, here is where the Minibreakout of the Intel Edison enters to the rescue, but not alone.

The mini breakout is not breadboard friendly, but have others adavantages:

  -Lipo management (charge and regulators)
  -Serial and OTG connections
  -Power Up sequence management

BBedison is a series of PCBs that allows you (in conjunction with Edison minibreakout ) prototype in a more friendly way.

The best of all:

  -It's cheap: BBEdison base cost 5 USD (Yes 5 USD and you are ready to plug in in your breadboard)
  -It's very easy to do it in your home

Eager to start experimenting? check it out the BBEdison_base.

Links of interest: Instructable of BBEdison_base: http://www.instructables.com/id/Plug-your-Intel-Edison-in-a-breadboard/ Hackaday post: http://hackaday.com/2015/04/01/a-stack-of-boards-for-an-edison-breadboard-adapter/


Federico Ramos



about me (spanish)

Xhabas Jimenez


The Inventors House Hackerspace