App Percy with webdriverio

This repository runs your build on app pery and browserstack app automate.


  • Node.js 8.11.2+
    • If you don't have Node installed, download it from here

Install the dependencies

For Android tests, run the following command in project's base directory :

cd android
npm i

Getting Started

  • Create a new App Project in Percy and export percy token export PERCY_TOKEN=[your-project-token]
  • Install Percy CLI and Percy Appium dependencies.
npm install --save-dev @percy/cli
npm install --save-dev @percy/appium-app
  • Visit single_test.js file under android>examples> run-sample-test>spec folder.
  • Update your BrowserStack UserName & Accesskey. Refer Documentationfor more help.

Run sample test:

  • To run parallel tests, run npm run test
  • Visit the App-Automate Dashboard to your webdriverio tests, simultanously visit the App Percy Dashboard to view your App Percy Build.