** LIRI**

Author: Tej Poudel

LIRI is a Language Interpretation and Recognition Interface.

  • LIRI will be a command line node app that takes in parameters and gives you back data.
  • LIRI is ran via terminal.
  • A log.txt is provided to see data results
Liri Commands Retrieved Data API
Concert-this retrieves concert date and time Band of Town, OMDB
spotify-this-song Song details SPOTIFY
movie-this Movie info OMDB
do-what-it-says Random inputs local

Heres a Snapshot of LIRI App


A log.txt is provided to display all data pulled by LIRI


Here are the packages I used:

    var fs = require("fs");
    var omdb = require('omdb');
    var request = require("request");
    var keys = require("./keys");
    var Spotify = require('node-spotify-api');