
facial recognition using open cv

Primary LanguagePython


facial recognition using open cv ////i swear i'll add something here later but for now just take my word it knows faces.////

To use first install and set up any python interpretor then download OpenCV, dlib, face-recognition, numpy use "pip install -----" followed by the name of the library

then get some training images that you want the program to compare from the webcam feed and name them properly as it gives out the name of the image as Name. The images folder should be on the same directory where the code is located otherwise give the path to the directory containing training images in "path" variable.

Run the program once it generates encodings for training data it will start showing results on screen or in an CSV(comma seperated values) if you like. Or I'll branch out an update for that too.

Softwares Used:-

  1. Pycharm Community Edition
  2. Python 3.9
  3. Anaconda (for environment).

References:- https://medium.com/@ageitgey/machine-learning-is-fun-80ea3ec3c471

{Machine Learning is fun article on medium}