
Sechura Fenix OHL


Sechura Fenix

=============== Copyright (c) 2018 Scheus Rainbow Army

Licensed under the TAPR Open Hardware License (www.tapr.org/OHL). A copy of the license is included. See file: LICENSE.TXT

GNU General Public License

This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.

This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details.

You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with this program. If not, see http://www.gnu.org/licenses/. A copy of the license is included See file: GPL.TXT



This hardware design is an airplane propelled by an ion "jet" engine. Speculatively, this device has the potential to meet multiple, fundamental target technology design challenges.

the challenge

Provide a long-term vision for safer, more effective flight in Earth's atmosphere by using higher density, noncombustible fuels as a form of jet or rocket propulsion.

the project

Design and prototype proof-of-concept ion engines and subsequently aircraft, capable of self-powered flight that meets the challenge.

how the project solves the problem

This project considers alternatives to using combustible fuels that may also have a lower environmental impact. By creating a propulsion unit that does not rely on conventional, combustible fuels for reliable, significant thrust, this project is meant to inspire more robust designs that inevitably affect change in transportation industries heavily reliant on refined petroleum and other synthetic fuels --products with non-renewable life cycles and in limited supply.

Rockets and jets are controlled explosions. Chefs in kitchens and farmers with grain silos know that dust can explode under certain conditions from seemingly noncombustible material. Household clothing dryers create static electricity. A somewhat similar electric charging process occurs in dust storms. Less known, and perhaps significant for this project: Some theories of comets suggest comet tails are the result of solar wind interacting with a comet's surface material, instead of simple sublimation of volatile ices from comet surfaces due to solar heating. A recent discovery of a distant comet outburst is a case in support of "electric comet" theories. Regardless, volcanic eruptions sometimes generate lightning. If solar wind reacting with "dust" creates gaseous comet tails, or dust with heat and pressure (or friction) creates lightning (a cascade of electric current), then perhaps an artificial, electrostatic "wind" can make an ion cloud capable of directing a mass of dust as thrust for propulsion.

how the project might be used

  • STEAM/STEM initiatives. (Science/Technology/Engineering/Arts/Math) There is an abundance of educational endeavors that could be spawned from a project like this, including on topics of safety in dusty areas, or practicing science and exploring unconventional theories with an open, yet scientifically critical mind.

  • Some chronic pollution issues, such as with microplastics, textile fibers or dryer lint may be mitigated by converting to a source of fuel and becoming less harmful, atmospheric dust.

  • The project might work as a proof-of-concept for spearheading a re-work of the Virgin Galactic's SpaceShipTwo to replace RockMotorTwo with a more effective, safer fuel paradigm.

  • Perhaps the project will inspire the retro-fitting of a few airliners to support airlines or cargo carriers operational continuity in case of extended volcanic eruptions. Dust clouds from large eruptions can block major routes for an extended period. One case occurred in 2010. It is inevitable that a large volcanic eruption will affect routes lasting longer than a year.

See file: FAQ.TXT for Frequently Asked Questions.