
Java Library for Yahoo! Finance

Primary LanguageJavaMIT LicenseMIT



Java Library for Yahoo! Finance


YFinance4J is a Java library to retrieve stock related quotes and information from Yahoo! Finance. The information includes historical quotes and key statistics. The data source is from Yahoo! Finance US websites. Stocks on the US stock exchanges usually have more data available than stocks on other countries. Because of Yahoo! Finance as the data source, Terms of Service should be referred to Yahoo Terms of Service.

Actually this project aims at demonstrating key features of Java 17. Anyone is welcomed to fork this project and encouraged to enhance this with advanced and up-to-date Java features.


This project is inspired by Quotes API for Yahoo Finance and YFinance. Thanks a lot for their efforts.


This project is not associated with nor sponsored by Yahoo! Inc. Yahoo! Inc. is the exclusive owner of all trademark and other intellectual property rights in and to the YAHOO! and Y! trademarks (the "Trademarks"), including the stylized YAHOO! and Y! logos. Yahoo! Inc. owns trademark registrations for the Trademarks.

Library compilation

This project is built with Gradle. JAR file is simply built with ./gradlew clean build.

The JAR file is bundled with dependent libraries. If you want to know the dependency detail, see build.gradle.kts.

Build Requirements

  • JDK 17
  • Gradle 7.3


All functions are started with YFinance4J. There are main functions as the following:

Historical Quote

Historical Quote is a list of historical price records of a stock. Each element of the list consists of stock code, trading date, price data and volume.

For example in HistoricalQuoteEg,

List<HistoricalQuote> historicalQuoteList = YFinance4J.historicalQuoteCtrl()
        .timeout(timeout * 1000)
System.out.println("[" +
                                .map(quote -> """
"trade_date": "%1$s"
, "open": %2$s
, "high": %3$s
, "low": %4$s
, "close": %5$s
, "adj_close": %6$s
, "volume": %7$s
, quote.highPrice().toString()
, quote.lowPrice().toString()
, quote.closePrice().toString()
, quote.adjustPrice().toString()
, quote.volume().toString()
                ) + "]"

Sample output of the above is

  "trade_date": "1999-04-28"
  , "open": 237.499893
  , "high": 237.499893
  , "low": 233.383194
  , "close": 236.549896
  , "adj_close": 105.930550
  , "volume": 27608281
  "trade_date": "2022-07-26"
  , "open": 260.000000
  , "high": 262.100006
  , "low": 257.200012
  , "close": 258.700012
  , "adj_close": 258.700012
  , "volume": 34679398

The function supports asynchronous call.

CompletableFuture<List<HistoricalQuote>> resultFuture = YFinance4J.historicalQuoteCtrl()
List<HistoricalQuote> result = null;
try {
    result = resultFuture.get();
} catch (InterruptedException iex) {
} catch (ExecutionException eex) {

Index Component

Index Component is the information of component stocks of a stock index, e.g. ^FTSE represents The Financial Times Stock Exchange 100 Index. Remark: Yahoo! Finance may not show a complete list of component stock of an index.

IndexComponentPe shows an example how to retrieve index component stocks:

var componentList = YFinance4J.indexComponentCtrl()

IndexComponent fields are described as the below:

Field Description
symbol Stock symbol
companyName Company name
lastPrice Last price
change Price change
percentChange Price change percentage
volume Volume

Key Statistics

Key Statistics is the statistics of a stock. The data consists of Valuation Measures, Financial Highlights and Trading Information. Remark: The statistics data are provided by Yahoo! Finance. The accuracy is subject to Yahoo! Finance. The data may not be timely.

InstanceOfDemo shows an example how to retrieve a set of key statistics.

IStockQuote info2 = YFinance4J.keyStatisticsCtrl().symbol(symbol).getKeyStatistics();

KeyStatistics fields are described as the below:

Field Description
symbol Stock symbol
downloadDateTime Date/Time of downloading the key statistics
companyName Company Name
stockExchange Stock exchange (abbr)
currencyCode Currency code used by the stock
marketCap Market Cap (intraday)
enterpriseValue Enterprise Value
trailingPe Trailing P/E
forwardPe Forward P/E
pegRatio PEG Ratio (5 yr expected)
priceSalesRatio Price/Sales (Trailing Twelve Months)
priceBookRatio Price/Book (Most Recent Quarter)
enterpriseValueRevenueRatio Enterprise Value/Revenue
enterpriseValueEbitaRatio Enterprise Value/EBITDA
fiscalYearEnds Fiscal Year Ends
mostRecentQuarter Most Recent Quarter (Most Recent Quarter)
profitMarginPercent Profit Margin
operatingMarginPercent Operating Margin (Trailing Twelve Months)
returnOnAssetsPercent Return on Assets (Trailing Twelve Months)
returnOnEquityPercent Return on Equity (Trailing Twelve Months)
revenue Revenue (Trailing Twelve Months)
revenuePerShare Revenue Per Share (Trailing Twelve Months)
quarterlyRevenueGrowthPercent Quarterly Revenue Growth (Year Over Year)
grossProfit Gross Profit (Trailing Twelve Months)
ebitda EBITDA
netIncomeAviToCommon Net Income Avi to Common (Trailing Twelve Months)
dilutedEps Diluted EPS (Trailing Twelve Months)
quarterlyEarningsGrowthPercent Quarterly Earnings Growth (Year Over Year)
totalCash Total Cash (Most Recent Quarter)
totalCashPerShare Total Cash Per Share (Most Recent Quarter)
totalDebt Total Debt (Most Recent Quarter)
totalDebtEquityRatio Total Debt/Equity (Most Recent Quarter)
currentRatio Current Ratio (Most Recent Quarter)
bookValuePerShare Book Value Per Share (Most Recent Quarter)
operatingCashFlow Operating Cash Flow (Trailing Twelve Months)
leveredFreeCashFlow Levered Free Cash Flow (Trailing Twelve Months)
beta Beta (5Y Monthly)
fiftyTwoWeekChangePercent 52-Week Change (Data derived from multiple sources or calculated by Yahoo Finance.)
snp50052WeekChangePercent SnP500 52-Week Change (Data derived from multiple sources or calculated by Yahoo Finance.)
fiftyTwoWeekHigh 52 Week High (Data derived from multiple sources or calculated by Yahoo Finance.)
fiftyTwoWeekLow 52 Week Low (Data derived from multiple sources or calculated by Yahoo Finance.)
fiftyDayMovingAverage 50-Day Moving Average (Data derived from multiple sources or calculated by Yahoo Finance.)
twoHundredDayMovingAverage 200-Day Moving Average (Data derived from multiple sources or calculated by Yahoo Finance.)
avgVol3Month Avg Vol (3 month) (Data derived from multiple sources or calculated by Yahoo Finance.)
avgVol10Day Avg Vol (10 day) (Data derived from multiple sources or calculated by Yahoo Finance.)
sharesOutstanding Shares Outstanding (Shares outstanding is taken from the most recently filed quarterly or annual report and Market Cap is calculated using shares outstanding.)
impliedSharesOutstanding Implied Shares Outstanding (Implied Shares Outstanding of common equityassuming the conversion of all convertible subsidiary equity into common.)
sharesFloat Float (A company's float is a measure of the number of shares available for trading by the public. It's calculated by taking the number of issued and outstanding shares minus any restricted stockwhich may not be publicly traded.)
heldByInsidersPercent Percentage Held by Insiders
heldByInstitutions Percentage Held by Institutions
sharesShort Shares Short
shortRatio Short Ratio
shortPercentOfFloat Short percentage of Float
sharesOutstandingShortPercent Short percentage of Shares Outstanding
sharesShortPriorMonth Shares Short Prior Month
forwardAnnualDividendRate Forward Annual Dividend Rate
forwardAnnualDividendYieldPercent Forward Annual Dividend Yield
trailingAnnualDividendRate Trailing Annual Dividend Rate (Data derived from multiple sources or calculated by Yahoo Finance.)
trailingAnnualDividendYieldPercent Trailing Annual Dividend Yield (Data derived from multiple sources or calculated by Yahoo Finance.)
fiveYearAverageDividendYieldPercent 5 Year Average Dividend Yield
payoutRatioPercent Payout Ratio
dividendDate Dividend Date (Data derived from multiple sources or calculated by Yahoo Finance.)
exDividendDate Ex-Dividend Date
lastSplitFactor Last Split Factor
lastSplitDate Last Split Date

Summary Quote

Summary Quote consists of the day's price information and abstracted statistics of a stock. Remark: The statistics data are provided by Yahoo! Finance. The accuracy is subject to Yahoo! Finance. The data may not be timely.

InstanceOfDemo shows an example how to retrieve a set of summary quote.

IStockQuote info1 = YFinance4J.summaryQuoteCtrl().symbol(symbol).getSummaryQuote();

SummaryQuote fields are described as the below:

Field Description
symbol Stock symbol
downloadDateTime Date/Time of downloading the summary
companyName Company Name
stockExchange Stock exchange (abbr)
currencyCode Currency code used by the stock
previousPrice Previous price
openPrice Open price
bidPrice Bid price
bidCount Number of bid
askPrice Ask price
askCount Number of ask
dayLow Lowest price on the day
dayHigh Highest price on the day
fiftyTwoWeekLow Lowest price in the 52 weeks
fiftyTwoWeekHigh Highest price in the 52 weeks
volume Volume
averageVolume Average volume
marketCap Market Cap (intraday)
beta Beta (5Y Monthly)
peRatio P/E ratio (Trailing Twelve Months)
eps Earning per share (Trailing Twelve Months)
earningsDate Earning date
forwardDividend Forward dividend
forwardYieldPercent Forward yield percentage
exDividendDate Ex-Dividend date
oneYearEst One year estimation


All main source codes are documented. Javadoc can be generated by

javadoc -protected -splitindex -d ./javadoc

New Features in Java 17

This library also serves as an example of demonstrating new features of Java 17. For detail, see JAVA_17_FEATURES.md.
