- who
- whoami
- head
- tail
- man tail, man head
wc (word count)
chmod FILE <-- set/change permissions to the FILE
## u g o user name group name hours file name
## owner(user) group all(other)
- rw- rw- r-- 1 tekinpolat tekinpolat 23 Kas 6 19:29 file1.txt
command1 ; command2 --> 1.command çalışırtır sonra 2.command çalıştır
command1 && command2 --> 1.command çalışır ve 2.command çalıştır
command1 || command2 --> 1.command çalışır çalışmazsa 2.command çalıştır
r --> read
w --> write
x --> execute
- file
d directory
l link
cp from to
cp abc.txt def.txt
cat file.txt
echo "tekin polat"
~ --> tilda
man <command_line> man wc, man ls, man more, man less, man man
> direction (siler yeni veriyi koyar)
>> direction (üzerine ekle)
regular expression (regex)
Wildcard characters (*,+, [])
* --> her şey demek (zero or more)
ls -l ~/Desktop/[ab]*
ls -l ~/Desktop/[sb]*
stek ok
bpol ok
atek hata
ls -l ~/Desktop/*[ac]
ls -l ~/Desktop/*[acb]
tekinc ok
tekind hata
tekina ok
ls -l /bin/*[ab]*[xy]
/bin/jsjamcjx ok
ls -l /bin/*[a-d]*
ls -l /bin/*[a-f]*
wc [OPTION]... [FILE]...
wc -c yigit.txt
| pipe (Alt GR + -)
ls -l | wc
rev --> reverse
*nix -> unix veya linux
more less
- windows
- unix
- linux
- macos
whatis <command_man>
whatis mkdir, whatis touch
man <command_man>
man mv, man cp, man mkdir
touch -> timestamp output change
touch test.txt
cp --> copy
cp from to
cp test_01.txt test_02.txt
mv --> move
mv from to
mv test_01.txt test_02.txt
rm file_name
rm -r directory
echo "test"
- \\ backslash
- \a alert (BEL)
- \b backspace
- \c produce no further output
- \e escape
- \f form feed
- \n new line
- \r carriage return
- \t horizontal tab
- \v vertical tab
- ls
- ls -l
- ls -al
- reset
- clear
- pwd --> Print Working Directory
- history
- file
- directory
- mkdir --> make directory
- mkdir directory_name
- mkdir directory_name1 directory_name2
- touch --> create file
- touch file_name
- touch file_name1 file_name2 file_name3
- rmdir => remove directory
- rmdir file_name
- rmdir file_name1 file_name2
- unlink --> file remove
- rm --> file remove
- man
- info
- man pwd, man touch, man mkdir
- info pwd, info touch, info mkdir
- cd --> change directory
- cat file_name (concatenate)
- cat file_name_1 file_name_2
- .. --> bir üst klasörde
- . --> current directory
- exit --> terminal exit