Amneszia dojo contracts


Dojo contracts for Amnesia, a multiplayer memory-game with hidden information and zero-knowledg proofs.


  • spawn: creates a new board based on a commitment to its tiles
  • join: players join a game with a name a Starknet mainnet address
  • match_tiles: a player that has gained private information about two matching can prove they did by sending a zero-knowledge proof
  • reveal: ask for a tile to be revealed
  • buy_action: buy an action with $LORDS (can be used to reveal more cards)
  • sell: sell private information you own using MPC and receive $LORDS payment.

ZK & Hidden info:

Game Server

  • Generate a secret board
  • Sends public keys for each tile in board to contract
  • Reveals tile private keys to players on click


  • Gets private information on selected items
  • Get points if they match two tiles tiles by zk-proving they know they match (matching private keys)

Board generation:

  • Server chooses two public curve generators: $G_1, G_2$
  • Server picks random seed $server_seed$ and commits to $hash(server_seed)$
  • Server shuffles and encode each tile $t_i$ by $h_i = hash(server_seed, t_i)$ as $h_iG_1$ and $h_iG_2$
  • Server publishes $hash(server_seed), G1, G2, (h_iG_1, h_iG_2)_i$

Public contract

  • checks user proofs that two tiles $t1 = h_iG, t2 = h_jG$, match and sets them as revealed.

Zero Knowledge Proof:

Players show that two tiles match using NIZK proofs of discrete-log equality Reference