
Clone builder for production database server.


Clones of the production postgres database for testing


  • Instances on Demmad. Instances are created for each build, then run tests, then terminate.
  • Volumes on Demmand. Volumes are created for pgsql data and log.
  • Designed to spin up instances, run tests, then terminate instances.
  • Run parallel tests. Support for Multiple builds where each build can have a defined matrix of instance size's and instance counts.
  • Newrelic for pgsql metrics


1. Set up your build environment:

  • Install AWS CLI
  • Configure AWS CLI with a profile
  • Install Ansible: http://docs.ansible.com/intro_installation.html
  • Set ansible env: shell source ansible env
  • Turn host key checking off: shell export ANSIBLE_HOST_KEY_CHECKING=False
  • Ansible needs Jinja2: apt-get install python-jinja2
  • If old ssh like 5.5: shell export ANSIBLE_SSH_ARGS=""

2. Edit build vars in /group_vars/build

  • profile: super
  • name: victor_frank
  • pgsql_data_snap: snap-ce60eff
  • pgsql_log_snap: snap-cb0bc0f
  • ami_version: 2.4.2
  • clones:
  • i2.8xlarge: 8
  • i2.4xlarge: 0
  • i2.2xlarge: 0
  • newrelic: 9910108157933df624056a0f5c26f19df6090a28

3. Commands

All commands are run from app root.


  • Command: ansible-playbook -v -i build build.yml
  • Output: List of EC2 intance id's and IP addresses || Error


  • Command: Hey BOB, What command do you run for you test? I can add it here.
  • Output: Success || Error


  • Command: ansible-playbook -v -i builds/{{id}}/{{name}}.hosts test.yml
  • Output: Success Confirmation || Error


  1. How do i run buils in parallel? Each build needs a unique name

  2. I don't want to use Newrelic? If you don't have a newrelic key or don't want to use newrelic, then comment out the newrelic_key variable in file group_vars/build