
Will export all of your PSG posts, tags, and comments into the Movable Type Import / Export format. This will allow you to import this data into other blogging software, such as Moveable Type or WordPress.

Primary LanguagePHP

Will export all of your PSG posts, tags, and comments into the Movable
Type Import / Export format. This will allow you to import this data into
other blogging software, such as Moveable Type or WordPress.

To use, you will need to configure it slightly – either copy the
configuration array (which defines the location of your PSG files) from
PSG’s index.php, or include a file which sets that information (for me,
that was blogadmin.php). You will also need to change the ‘AUTHOR’ field
in the dump_post function to whatever you want these posts to be
attributed to (assuming they are all by the same person, of course).

Known issues:

  * When I imported the file generated here into WordPress all of my
    comments had quotes and doublequotes escaped after import. I fixed
    this by manually replacing those strings in the comments table in
    the WordPress database.
  * Permalinks inside of posts to other posts will not work, natch.