
My configuration files. Joining this portability bandwagon.

Primary LanguageVim Script

tekniklr dotfiles

Inspired by absolutely everyone, but especially ryanb and his dotfile repo ( raw.github.com/ryanb/dotfiles/master/README.rdoc ). In fact, I’ve copied much of his rake task.

Initial setup

git clone git://github.com/tekniklr/dotfiles ~/.dotfiles
cd ~/.dotfiles

Remove any files (LaunchAgents, etc) not applicable to the current system. Just make sure to not commit the deletions.

rake install

Subsequent update

cd ~/.dotfiles
git pull
rake install # only needed if there are new files

Supporting players

I have cloned .oh-my-zsh ( github.com/tekniklr/oh-my-zsh ), so that should also be checked out for a working shell.

I have also started using Übersicht ( tracesof.net/uebersicht/ ), so am keeping my widget configuration in this repo. The rake task will try to link the widgets directory in this repo to ~/Library/Application Support/Übersicht/widgets/ , but as the Übersicht install creates that directory this may have to be done manually.

OSX LaunchAgents

Most of the LaunchAgents I call run scripts in my dropbox. Some of those are available on git, some are system-specific backup scripts, so they aren’t publicly available.

LaunchAgents will be copied to ~/Library/LaunchAgents, but will need to be manually enabled:

launchctl load </path/to/file.plist>

Or, they should start automatically on the next login.


Private files (like ssh files and gnupg files) aren’t here, natch. They will have to get backed up/synced the old fashioned way.

However, semi-private files are here, in erb form. The ‘rake install’ task will fill in the blanks for those.