
This program is basically a wrapper for xlock, allowing the user to set a message to scroll in the marquee.

Primary LanguagePerl

This program is basically a wrapper for xlock, allowing the user to set
a message to scroll in the marquee.

It has other bells and whistles, like forcing offlineimap and telling me
to go home at the end of the day (I sometimes have trouble doing this in a timely manner).

This is also my first TK interface, which was kinda fun to figure out.

It is super tailored to the specific setup I used to use:
  * Will lock the screen overnight. Once it is unlocked in the morning, it
    sets a timer for 8 hours. Once that timer is up, it will pop up
    windows nagging me to go home.
  * Once I agree to go home, it will run a wrapper script for Unison to   
    sync specific directories of my work computer to my home computer.
  * The away messages default to whatever makes sense (will return: next 
    weekday morning, time, etc) but are customizable.
  * Also has an away-for-lunch mode if the program is run manually before 
    4 PM. This does not affect the 8 hour / day work timer.