
Slack BOT

Primary LanguageJavaScript

Slack BOT

#Command List: !brackets - Brackets !brackets in/out/outf <message>

!commands - Returns a list of all current commends !commands

!currency - Convert a currency !currency <currency> <currency>

!dsem - Days since Erica was mad !*DEPRECATED* dsem [reset] [reason] [Deprecated]

!define - Define something !define

!defineud - Get an urban dictionary definition !defineud <word>

!forever - Interface with forever !forever [logs/restart/list] [id] [Requires OcelotBOT to be running under forever]

!image - Pull a random image from a subreddit !image <subreddit>

!info - Get info on stuff !info [bot/server/channel] [Broken by move to Slack]

!insult - Insult a user !insult <user>

!peterstate - Where's Peter? !peterstate

!lastcrash - How long since last crash !lastcrash

!location - Stalk someone !location <person>

!mgt - Management command !mgt eval/config set/get/save/load /add

!markov - Generate a markov chain based on a user !markov <user> [sample] [length] [key] [Experimental]

!meme - Memes !meme <meme/list/add <name> <url>>

!nowplaying - Show whats currently playing on Petify !nowplaying

!ping - Ping an address !ping <address> [timeout] [times]

!pizzatrack - Track pizza !<id> [Unfinished]

!pornsuggest - Suggest some porn !pornsuggest

!test - A test command !test [buttons/base64]

!push - Push a notification to someones phone !push <person> message [Experimental and Unfinished]

!quote - Get a random quote by a user !quote <username> [filter]

!remind - Set a reminder for the future !remind <in> "<message>"

!rlive - Subscribe to reddit live threads !rlive <subscribe <url>/ unsubscribe>

!serverinfo - Get information about a source based multiplayer server !serverinfo <server> [port]

!stats - Stats about a particular user !stats <user>

!time - The time !time <timezone>

!topic - Add a hilarious comment from one of your good buddies to the topic. !topic [<message> *or* <username>] *or* next/set <id>

!translate - Translate something !translate <to> <sentence>

!unicode - Convert text to magic unicode stuff !unicode bold/italic/regional/fullwidth

!vote - Start or participate in a vote !vote start opt1,opt2,opt3.../1/2/3../end

!weather - Weather at location !weather <search>

!whois - WHOIS lookup a domain !whois <domain>

!with - Perform a command in batch !with <command> (br) [args] (br) [args] (br)...

!youtube - Download youtube videos !youtube <video> [radio-dir] [nopetify?]