Automated Contracting Tool

Automated Contracting Tool, a component of smashHit. smashHit is a Horizon 2020 project with the primary objective of creating a secure and trustworthy data-sharing platform with a focus on consent and contract management in a distributed environment such as the automotiveindustry, insurance and smart cities following GDPR.

Software Requirements

Steps to be followed

Running Locally

Run the command below from the root directory for deployement and access via http://localhost:5001. The Swagger API documentation can be accessed via http://localhost:5001/swagger-ui/.

python -m flask run

Important Note For Testing REST Endpoints

  • For hasContractStatus choose from the list (statusCreated, statusUpdate)
  • For hasStates choose from the list (statePending, stateInvalid, stateValid)
  • For hasRole choose from the list (DataSubject, DataController, DataProcessor)
  • For hasContractCategory choose from the list (categoryBusinessToConsumer, categoryBusinessToBusiness)

Steps to create/update a contract

  • Create term types and companies.
  • Create contractors (need company id).
  • Create a contract with basic information except contract terms, contract obligations, and contract signatures.
  • Use the contract id from the previous step and create contract terms, contract obligations and contract signatures.
  • Update the contract with terms, obligations, and signatures.

Contracts System Architecture

Contracts REST APIs Endpoints




GNU General Public License v3.0