
Performance benchmarking Tool

This repository contains the code to benchmark the insert and fetch (or get) operation on GraphDB.

Test System Configuration

  • RAM: 16GB RAM
  • Processor: 2,8 core 3 GHz Quad-Core Intel Core i7 processor
  • Storage: 500GB
  • OS: macOS
  • GraphDB 10.6.2 (Free tier) • RDF4J 4.3.9 • Connectors 16.2.6 • Workbench 2.6.2

Insert Operation

Peformance for insert operation:

Peformance for fetch (or get) operation:

To-Do List

  • Develop code to retrieve JSON-LD data from an S3 bucket
  • Add fetched json-ld data to GraphDB
  • Benchmark performance of insert operation
  • Develop code to retrieve data from GraphDB
  • Benchmark performance of retrieving data from GraphDB
  • Transform all codes from Jupyter notebook to Python scripts and a complete end-to-end pipeline