
Small function that are around 140k in size

140k Functions

Original functions around 140k in size

What is this?

Inspired by websites like http://www.140byt.es and http://microjs.com I've been striving to write small javascript libraries and functions. I decided I would post them in a GIT repository and let any who needs use them, I release these as is and I'll update them as I get time.

Object Literial Count:
JavaScripts has arrays have 'length' to get the number of object in an array. Why don't object have the same functionality? Here is what I came up with currently clocking in as 78k:

Object.prototype.count=function(){var b=0;for(a in this){b++}return(b-1)};


var x = { a:1, b:2, c:3 };
console.log( x.count() + " should be 3" );

Since this adds a new function to all object literials 'for(var k in obj)' loops will have a new option at the begining. You wil have to account for that in your code.

Update: Thanks to a thread on Reddit I've rewritten the function above into a true object property instead of a function. The only downside is that its now 160k instead of the original 78k.

Object.defineProperty(Object.prototype,"count",{get:function(){var b=0;for(var a in this){b++}return b},set:function(a){},enumerable:false,configurable:false});


var x = { a:1, b:2, c:3 };
console.log( x.count + " should be 3" );