
All code associated with learning Golang via Go Courses by Jon Calhoun - Web Dev with Go (v2), Test with Go, Gophercises, & Algorithms with Go.

Primary LanguageGo

Learning Golang

After 6 years of professional Ui Software Engineering with JavaScript, TypeScript, React, and many tools used in real production projects for various platforms, products, companies, and industries of various kinds... I've decided to increase my worth & skills specifically in Backend software engineering beyond my 3 years of NodeJS/Express/MongoDB/Mongoose experience. This has led me to take several courses to learn Golang/PostgreSQL/AWS through Jon Calhoun and Acloudguru. I'll also be redoing AlgoExpert with Golang instead of JS and taking Algorithms with Go to gain more CS competency in BE.

This repository contains all code related to all Golang courses I'm taking through Go Courses by Jon Calhoun found at https://www.calhoun.io/courses and more.

Jon has confirmed that I am publicaly able to share the code from the courses here.

Courses covered:

  • Web development with Go (v2)
  • Test with Go
  • Gophercises
  • Algorithms with Go

I will also include a directory containing algorithm problems & solutions in Golang from AlgoExpert.io as I go along, and any links to helpful documentation associated with paradigms, patterns, and practical problems in real world development.