This applicaton does work in Chrome, but the form works better in Firefox as that's what I spent the time coding in it with and there are differences with localStorage. With more time I'd ensure it works in both with any js polyfill needed.
Asthetically it looks worse in Chrome also, head's up! Ha. I did build all the lib components from scratch so that took some time.
The first assessment, given plenty of time to tweak with CSS and make pixel perfect, I could match this mock & provide media queries for the entire application. I've matched hundreds of mocks at my last company for entire RealEstate SaaS platforms designed by a prior Google/Apple Designer. I went for building more than building less & just one small thing. Though this goes against my typical development practices daily which is very thorough, I wanted to show inititive & shear output, to be honest I was having fun.
The second assessment, I definitely would love to refactor this, and I think there are some cleaner ways to do this with a functional components simply broken out and using hooks. I did use localStorage and it does persist a full page reload for the various selections of the form after submitting.
Both assessments, Daily I to TDD and typically write tests with components, and I don't just test if it renders, I actually test the logic to be what the user expects. But this takes time to produce quality, and in this assignment, I didn't have near the amount of time I wanted to put forth. And at some point I had to just throw the towel in and say 4hrs is all I have to give for now. I did create a test dir that does have tests in it, but they aren't a great representation of the tests I write nowadays.
I'm thorough, and this small code challenge doesn't reveal that like I would hope to, but I wanted to have fun doing this coding challenge & once I found out the position was filled and Hilton wasn't even going to see my code about 1-2 hrs in, I decided to do what I wanted.
React via CRA StandardJS coding style
@reach/router More accessible vs RRv4 & still written by pal Ryan
Redux Could use React Context, if this was with hooks and more time, or MobX if team is into observables & interested in rewire.
Jest/Enzyme Though not TDD in this go, typically TDD for each component I build in real time. Perhaps Cypress or Selenium with SQA ids for automation if there is a QA team.
prop-types/flow This could have been TypeScript depending on expectations
lodash This could have been made internal vs package if more time, as I wasn't using a ton of lodash features.
Styled Components I'm also into Emotion, and I'm comfortable with Sass. I just like CSS in JS a lot.
I scaffolded a React App from scratch using tools specific to this position. Hilton Hotel App has some pretty cool features:
- A login view & user logout to mock auth
- Share Feedback allows a user to fill out feedback on various Hilton hotels prior booked
- Hotel Reviews allows a user to review the average reviews of a Hilton hotel
- Hotel Reviews allows a user to review the average reviews of a Hilton hotel
- Hotel Details although not the same view as the mock, allows a user to select a Hilton hotel and see specific details: The name, the address, & the phone number
- Form although not refactored or done correctly logic wise, works to meet the requirements. It was the last thing I did.
- Components shows a view of various components used that I created for this code challenge
- Scaffolded Enzyme UNIT Tests, but didn't get to work on them. Started shallow with Address but time ran out, and I wanted to do README documentation.
- I'd clearly refactor DynamicForm to not be a hacky/dirty fast solution
- JEST/ENZYME UNIT TESTS, boy did I want to spend the duration of this 3-4 hrs writing unit tests in Jest for each component, but I wanted to focus on the large picture capability.TDD & Unit Tests are a must. I'd definitely use Jest/Enzyme, or Cypress depending on the use case. Maybe even sqa ids with selenium to automate the UI node testing via CLI.
- Make everything actually responsive and mobile first. I didn't spend time on CSS Media Queries as much as I wanted.
- Comments are key. I would have spent more time providing comments as I was coding, to make the code further readable, clean, and easy to pickup by any other devs.
- Clean code. I would refactor, make class components that have basic state functional and add some Hooks!
- Perhaps I may have spent less time having fun and more time actually doing the requirements > . <