
Practice making this for my Starfinder game

Primary LanguagePython


This is a basic system generator meant to be used with the Starfinder roleplaying game.

Some background:

I was set to GM a game of starfinder in which the party wanted to be explorers, mapping out unknown space, very much in the Star Trek sense.

As a GM, I struggled with the notion of prepping numerous star systems, only for the players to pass them by, ignroe them, or do one thing and leave.

All of this, from a player point of view, is fine. I don't want the PCs to feel forced, but I also don't want to waste time.

My solution was to make this generator. It allows me to whip up a system with interesting things on it, on the fly, and lets me join them in the fun of exploration.

This is still in development, but as I go I hope to turn it into a very useful GMing tool.

Please comment with ideas!


Requires python 2.7