Code examples for the SignalVu SCPI-based programmatical interface (PI)


RSA_PI Tektronix

FOSSA Status

Code example for controlling SignalVu-PC (and in most cases SignalVu on Tek scopes and Tek RSA5100/6100). The PI commands allow users to use all the features in SignalVu-PC from a script or application.

To use these examples, download and install the most recent version of SignalVu-PC. As of this writing, the most recent version is 3.13.0087 and can be downloaded here: http://www.tek.com/model/rsa306-software-0. Download the accompanying documentation for the PI commands as well. The most recent version is 077-0721-10 and can be downloaded here: https://www.tek.com/spectrum-analyzer/rsa306-manual/signalvu-pc-1


FOSSA Status

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