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Maven Overview

  • is an Opensource build tool from Apache Foundation
  • is an alternate to Apache Ant, Gradle, etc
  • supports dependency management
  • is an technology agnostic build tool
    • by default works as a build tool for Java based projects
    • however, can be customized to support Python,C#, Scala,C/C++, etc programming languages
  • everything in Maven are named in terms of Maven coordinates
    • groupId (Reverse domain name of your organization - eg: org.tektutor)
    • artifactId (name of jar,war,ear,zip, etc)
    • version (version of your jar,war,ear,etc)
  • support 3 types of repositories
    • local repository ( can be located at User Home directory .m2 folder in Windows/Unix/Linux/Mac )
    • private repository ( can be setup using Sonatype Nexus or JFrog Artifactory, etc )
    • central repository ( - for open source third party libraries/plugins )
  • supports convention over configuration
    • if we follow Maven conventions, we can use most of the Maven features without much configurations
    • in case of legacy projects or for other reasons if you can't follow Maven recommended directory structure then maven allows configuring pom.xml, settings.xml to override its defaut behaviour

Maven high level architecture

Maven Architecture

Commonly used Apache Maven commands

Checking maven version

mvn --version

Maven Lifecycle

Maven Lifecycle

Listing Maven default life-cycle phases

mvn help:describe -Dcmd=compile
mvn help:describe -Dcmd=validate
mvn help:describe -Dcmd=test

Any one of the above commands will list the Maven default life-cycle phases.
You may substitute any phase that you remember in the default lifecycle.

Listing Maven clean life-cycle phases

mvn help:describe -Dcmd=clean

Listing Maven site life-cycle phases

mvn help:describe -Dcmd=site

Finding the goals supported by a plugin

mvn help:describe -Dplugin=org.apache.maven.plugins:maven-compiler-plugin:3.1 -Ddetail

Just compile all the files in src/main/java and its sub-directories

mvn compile

Compile application and execute automated test cases

mvn test

Deleting target folder

mvn clean
mvn pre-clean
mvn post-clean

Any one of the above commands will list clean life-cycle phases.

Creating jar/war/ear depending on the Maven project type

mvn package

Installing the artifacts(jar,war,ear) into Maven local repository(.m2 folder)

mvn install

Deploying maven artifacts(jar,war,ear,etc) into Sonatype Nexus/JFrog Artifactory or Weblogic/Websphre/Tomcat etc.,

mvn deploy

This requires adding distributionManagement tag in pom.xml file


You also need to provide the artifactory credential in settings.xml file


Enabling build debug info(verbosity)

mvn clean deploy -X

The -X switch helps in troubleshooting issues by enabling verbosity. This can be used with any maven command.